Camera Flash Tips
Using your Flash for Fill
Here is a portrait where I′ve used the sun as a side light and filled in light on the subjects face with a flash to lessen shadows and brighten her eyes. Make sure to balance the flash with the ambient sunlight to make the lighting look natural. In this image the flash is off camera controlled wirelessly so the flash can be placed to camera left... Anthony Brett Schreck Photo Tip #2 Use Your Flash for Fill! All images © Anthony Schreck Minneapolis DPA Instructor Here is a portrait where I′ve used the sun as a side light and filled in light on the subjects face with a flash to lessen shadows and brighten her eyes. Make sure to balance the flash with the ambient sunlight to make the lighting look natural. In this image the flash is off camera controlled wirelessly so the flash can be placed to camera left. Here are some examples without flash fill and with flash fill dialed down .7 of a stop to look natural and not overpower the subjects face with flash. Remember, If your flash is set to auto your camera may read that there is enough light and not turn the flash on. Set your flash to always fire. The two images below were shot with the Panasonic Lumix L1 with the on camera flash set to off in one (to show the shadows) and the flash set to always fire and flash compensation set -.7 in the other.