Anticipate the Action
It was once said of Wayne Gretzky that he didn′t go to where to the puck was, he went to where it was going. By thinking ahead of the action, you′ll be ready for it.
© Michael Hart
In Craig Biggio′s final game, I pre-focused on second base whenever The Atlanta Braves got a runner on first; this way, as I kept the camera pointed to second but watched the action out of my left eye, I was ready to catch Craig turning the final double-play of his Hall of Fame career. As the runner neared second, I hit the motor drive and got the sequence, culminating in this shot of Craig airborne over the player, who is sliding in to attempt to break up
the play.
A long lens (300mm) and almost-wide-open aperture, with the resulting short shutter speed, freezes the action against a soft background.