Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Natural Light Delight

While working with a beautiful fashion model, it′s easy to get caught up in controlling all the artificial lights, barn doors, reflectors, and snoots. During this shoot, the model took a break on my beat up orange couch just as some sunlight filtered in and warmed up the whole scene.

Rick Wright Tip11

She struck a remarkable pose reminiscent of Andre Kertesz′s Satiric Dancer with similarly angled limbs. While this moment-of-light and energy-of-pose held, the artificial lights were abandoned for the softness and delight of the sun. The orange fabric reflects and warms the model′s skin. The creases in her lower dress relate nicely to the couch′s fabric creases.

A stunning woman on a decidedly ratty couch? Why not! Sometimes its the unexpected location and light (and awareness) that makes the shoot. It was one of the best shots of the day.

Panasonic L1 at ƒ5.0 and 1/100th sec.
ISO 800
Focal Length 22mm (or 42 mm equivalent in 35mm SLR)
Shot in Adobe RGB


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