Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

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The cars are just about the only reference to urbanization, aside from what is sold in the stores, but the stores are in the old buildings so everything blends well.  And there are no Gap, Banana Republic, Barnes & Noble franchises. We found a car that was slightly larger to use for our day trips. I am not sure I can fit in one this size, but all the townspeople seem to. We will have larger sedans, with drivers, who know the area and the back roads.


One of the photogenic settings that is a quick ride from Viterbo, in this case about an hour, is Pitigliano, where a synagogue was once the center of the Italian jewish community. It included a slaughter house where Rabbi’s made sure that the process was kosher, a bakery for making matzoh, a school and every other service needed for a thriving culture to be maintained. There was harmony in the city, amongst jews and non-jews, until the Romans came and drove the jews to a ghetto outside of the city border. Christians came to the aid of the oppressed people, overpowered the Romans, and all was restored. Over the centuries though, the synagogue and its complex of services and goods were abandoned but now all is restored magnificently. Photo Ops abound.


We will bring in models to accessorize the walk way and allow silhouettes that create an elaborate narrative.


The wall just as we entered Pitigliano where the stores offer a variety of still life portraits as well as images of the people who work there. The wall, as many others, is a photo op in and of itself.


Imagine the Etruscan ruin nestled amongst the foliage of a thousand hues when the change of season is happening during our visit.


The town is a bit hilly, making for many interesting angles from which to photograph. (Good exercise as well.)


 A good thing that your digital SLR will allow you to delete because you will want to make photos every step of the way. In the evening you can make your final decisions when we are talking about choices in editing to make a cohesive portfolio.


Everywhere you point your camera you see only traces of the past. No worries about a GAP Sign interfering with the shot.

 others15Sometimes stairs themselves are the photo op and other times it is where they lead to.



The view from one of the several museums, a casual looks out on an old castle. The windows open and frame the view.






The city is lit for evening activities and offers a different kind of photo op.


As we made our way up to the country farm..


Its the country farm that Gianluca invited us to. He picked us up at our hotel and we drove for about 20 minutes, to an old dirt road. After about a ½ mile, we came upon the “country farm” with a swimming pool, an orchard of olive trees and the house that was refurbished for parties and casual weekends. The entire 40 acres overlooked a spectacular expanse, peppered with structures that have been there for centuries and centuries.


This is the view from the “country farm.” The two girls are our daughters, Sally and Eve. During change of season, the view will come alive.


A 10 minute drive from Viterbo is Belvedere su Lago. When we visit, there will be hand gliders that launch from this spot and the foliage and trees below will be the colors of fall, adjacent to a placid lake off to the left. Picture the bright colors of the gliders in their flying contraptions, set against the panorama off to the distance.


There’s the lake.


After visiting the lake where we will photograph the gliders, we stopped here on our way back to Viterbo for a tour of the architecture.


We spent a lovely afternoon here.


This is what the area must have looked like back in the 13th century.


When the Popes, elites and other aristocrats lived in Vitebo, from the 11th to the 14th century, it was the place to be and so wealthy patrons build gardens, castles and curious tributes to their loved ones. We will bring models here as well as to other sites for our photo shoots.










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