December 2024, Tree Lighting Redux

December 2024, Tree Lighting Redux
News about happenings at Deliberate Light and photography instruction (see Digital Photo Academy). My views on this month’s photography event: Tree Lighting at Thunderbird Lodge.
To get these newsletters by email a month before they are posted here, go to the website and click on Newsletter Signup.
Upcoming Workshops. I am scheduled to teach workshops for Digital Photo Academy on January 4, 2025 at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia You can sign up here if interested.
<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Mastering Your Camera Controls (1.5 hours) – intended for DSLR/Mirrorless/Compact cameras (smartphone tutorial available separately)
<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>Composition in the Field (3 hours) – walking tour around the venue with instruction and hands-on practice composing photos (bring any camera)
New Photo.
Here is one of my favorite holiday images. Six years ago in December, we made our annual trip to see Longwood Garden’s holiday celebration. That year our trip happened on an unusually warm day and a nighttime mist covered the grounds. This impressionistic line of trees marched away into the dimness in dark columns, their bright sprays of light creating a dream. A perfect example of white noise in an image being a good thing.
For a more detailed, enlarged view and to get it printed, see it on my website.

It is December again and this year I have needed to immerse myself in my community more than ever. My sense of mental balance requires it. So, the annual tree lighting ceremony at the Rose Valley Museum at Thunderbird Lodge came at a good time. No photography lessons this month. Just images of peace, of a community celebrating and singing together. And lighting a few candles. Let’s not forget the candles. Nothing like kids and candles during the holidays. Never fear: no children were immolated in lighting this tree.
This lovely little ceremony, now in its sixth year, is imbued with a feeling of tradition and continuity, maybe a bit of the eternal, and echos similar gatherings of the early Rose Valley community in December 120 years ago to light candles and sing.
Please enjoy.
Take it easy and find some joy wherever you are.
Carl Finkbeiner
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