Carol Blakeley
Carol Blakeley
Carol has been a self-employed photographer in Arizona and Vermont since 2008. Experiencing work with youth action sports, senior pictures and family portraits, she seeks to provide natural, meaningful and always pushes the creative envelope in her shots. Featured in multiple publications, she has also shot nature, pets, weddings, anniversaries and other special events. Her hard-working and focused attitude has allowed her to build a successful photography business from the ground up.
Canon Mark II 5D, 50D, 20D
70-200 f2.8 USMII
24-105 f4
100 f2.8 Macro
Lens Baby series
Speedlite 580EX with Gary Fong diffuser
Digital Photo Academy Winner: “Creatures Big and Small” – April 2010
Digital Photo Academy Winner: “Just Desserts” – September 2010
Digital Photo Academy Gallery Winner 2009
October Digital Photo Academy Student Winner: “Autumn Moments” 2008
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