Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Griffin Museum of Photography

Griffin Museum of Photography


Call Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231. Lots of people seem to hang up if our welcome recording comes on instead of a live voice, but we promise to return your message within a day or two if you leave one with your name and number.  It would be even better if you included your e mail address as well as the date and city of the class you are considering.  If leaving a voice mail message is not your thing, please email us at or




67 Shore Rd
Winchester, MA 01890

Conveniently located near Winchester Center, 3 miles off routes I 93 and I 95, only 15 minutes north of Boston by car, bus or train, and a five minute walk from the train station. For MBTA train and bus information:

FROM RTES #128/ #95
Take exit 36 Washington St./ Woburn or exit 37A Rte #93 S.

Washington St. Exit

  • Go up ramp. Take Right. Follow Washington St. 3 ½ miles to Winchester Center [going through 6 sets of lights].
  • At 7th light bear Right, keeping Town Hall on your left.
  • Take Right just before rotary [see sign for Griffin Museum]. This is Shore Road.
  • Go ¼ mile. The Griffin Museum will be on your Right. Parking is available.


  • Continue on #93 S. Take the 2nd Winchester exit- exit 33.
  • Merge into rotary, and take Right at first opportunity. Follow sign for South Border Rd., Winchester.
  • Continue for 2.2 miles to traffic lights (Highland Ave). Look down hill, see Winchester Center. Continue through intersection toward center, .2 miles to next intersection.
  • Continue through next intersection, keeping Town Hall on your Left.
  • This becomes Mt. Vernon Street. Follow to rotary.
  • Take Right just before rotary [see sign for Griffin Museum]. This is Shore Road.
  • Go ¼ mile. The Griffin Museum will be on your Right. Parking is available


  • Continue on #93 N. Take exit 33- Fellsway W, Rte 28, Winchester.
  • Almost immediately, go around rotary bearing Left, cross over #93.
  • Take Right at first opportunity. Follow sign for South Border Rd., Winchester.
  • Continue for 2.2 miles to traffic lights (Highland Ave). Look down hill, see Winchester Center. Continue through intersection toward center, .2 miles to next intersection.
  • Continue through next intersection, keeping Town Hall on your Left.
  • This becomes Mt. Vernon Street. Follow to rotary.
  • Take Right just before rotary [see sign for Griffin Museum]. This is Shore Road.
  • Go ¼ mile. The Griffin Museum will be on your Right. Parking is available.

Ample parking spaces are available.



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