Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Jim Caldwell

Jim Caldwell
JimCaldwell-1371smJim is an award winning photographer who traveled the country in the 1970s and 1980s as a motion picture cameraman making TV commercials, industrial films and documentaries. He is also a stock photographer and his images have appeared in many national and international publications such as Popular Photography, Audubon Magazine, and The London Times in addition to hundreds of textbooks, calendars and travel brochures.

Jim has also has a passion for teaching photography and sharing his many years of experience. He has arranged photo tours and traveled and photographed many parts of the world such as China, Tibet, Turkey, Ecuador, Peru, Costa Rica and many others. He grew up camping, photographing and exploring the Florida countryside and has received his Florida Master Naturalist Certification.

Jim has been an active member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) for over 35 years as well as National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), and the North American Nature Photographer’s Association (NANPA).

Call Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231. Lots of people seem to hang up if our welcome recording comes on instead of a live voice, but we promise to return your message within a day or two if you leave one with your name and number.  It would be even better if you included your e mail address as well as the date and city of the class you are considering.  If leaving a voice mail message is not your thing, please email us at or

Comments to “Jim Caldwell”

  1. Everything turned out well. Jim was awesome. This week I will assist Juston on uploading the photos. Thank you very much.

  2. Just want to stay connected. I am in France and it’s been a very busy return since April. I will be here until end of June before returning to Houston. While in Houston, I would like to register for Jim’s “composition in the field” session on July 13th. I think I could really benefit from time with him.

  3. We very much enjoyed enjoyed class and got a lot out of it. Thanks for everything.

  4. The workshop was great! I learned a lot, a lot of my questions got answered , I didn’t take so many photos that day. I was more interested in watching and learning, Jim is a great guy, full of experience and knowledge, learn a lot, looking forward to doing other workshops with him.

    I have a website, and I’m setting my portfolio on . You can definitely find photos there.

    thank you very much

  5. It was great! I love Herman Park so I was excited to meet there since it reminds me of Central Park on a much smaller scale. Jim, was marvelous, in fact I would have to say he’s in the top three teachers of all classes I’ve taken outside of college. His love of photography shines through and it definitely grabs hold of you. If you liked your camera before class after class you find yourself loving it. He’s just that good.

    I actually went out the same day and purchased a tripod and a camera hood because I saw what a shaky hand can do to a picture. Will I take another class – most definitely, if one were offered.

  6. My special Thanks to Coursehourse. And my Gratitude yo Mr Jim, you are really good and kind. Am happy for your impact and support. Really enjoy myself and also had a splendid experience

  7. Jim Caldwell was very knowledgeable and willing to share his expert experience. He provided many basics for we beginners, but also practical tips that even experienced photographers would find useful. Great job and and I thoroughly enjoyed the class.

  8. Jim was a patient and thorough instructor; he took us through the camera basics, showed examples, and talked through the options of how we could get the best images. Then, he walked us through 4 different field locations and helped us get photograph them. I found the course to be very useful, informative and enjoyable. Thanks!

  9. “It was a fun class and I learned a lot!”


  10. Richard,

    “I think Jim was being very kind in complementing my work. And, since I know the quality of the photos you usually see, my first response to your invite was “no way.” But, I considered that my goal is improvement and, certainly, a large part of that is sharing and accepting critiques, so I changed my mind. I did get a couple of pleasant shots during the class, but haven’t figured out how to downsize them enough to send. Therefore, I am sharing a couple of photos I took the day before in preparation for the class.The gecko was sunning in my back yard and, surprisingly, let me stay close enough to get several shots. The leaf was also close to my house, and the photos of Harley (cat) were taken indoors as requested by Jim.
    I want to repeat what I told Jim. The class was excellent. I picked up so many practical tips and knowledge that you can’t get from online classes. Plus, Jim is so personable and a natural teacher. I am looking forward to repeating the class.

    Thank you for your time.”



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