Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Mt.Tabor Park

Mt.Tabor Park

Join our photo lessons at Mt.Tabor Park, which is one of the excellent locales in the rotation of many Portland venues that offer terrific photo opportunities.

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Venue Description:

Mount Tabor Park is the ideal photo workshop setting, with open reservoirs, an array of hiking trails and even an extinct volcano. (In the U.S., there are only 6 cities with an extinct volcano within its limits.

Over 100 years ago, (1909), Mt. Tabor’s 191 acres became an official public space and, thanks to architect, John Olmstead, the layout is pleasing with thousands of indigenous plants, winding hiking trails, gently curing roads, paved with the cinders from the extinct volcano.

Your Digital Photo Academy instructor will demonstrate and supervise the steps to capture breathtaking vistas of the volcano from afar, or the picturesque bird’s eye view of the reservoirs from above.

Additionally, there are macro photo lessons to capture close-up shots of many different wild flowers and plants

Meeting Spot:

Meet your instructor at –

Blind Onion Pizza: 6031 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215

Free parking available. From there, you will walk over to the park as a group.

6031 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215

Call Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231. Lots of people seem to hang up if our welcome recording comes on instead of a live voice, but we promise to return your message within a day or two if you leave one with your name and number.  It would be even better if you included your e mail address as well as the date and city of the class you are considering.  If leaving a voice mail message is not your thing, please email us at
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