Old North Church
Old North Church
Join our photo lessons at the Old North Church, which is one of the excellent locales in the rotation of many Boston venues that offer terrific photo opportunities.
Venue Description:
For historic architecture inside and out, nothing beats the picturesque setting of Christ Church in the City of Boston, the community’s oldest surviving church building, well-known as the Old North Church. Your DPA instructor will offer tips on creative ways to capture the church steeple with Aperture Priority, Framing Techniques, Bug’s Eye perspectives, and other methods to turn a snapshot into a compelling image.
Perhaps a street-level reference point, taken while lying on the ground, can transform the often-photographed structure into a special shot. Either way, note that on April 18th, 1775, church sexton and Vestryman Captain Robert Newman and John Pulling Jr., respectively, had climbed up there with two lanterns, based on warnings of the British troop’s arrival as directed by Paul Revere.
There are other photo opportunities all up and down the street, and the interiors of the collection of buildings each offer photo lessons in ambient lighting and details of ornate designs from centuries ago.
Important Info:
Address –
193 Salem St., Boston, MA 02113.
193 Salem St, Boston, MA 02113
Contact Us:
Call Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231. Lots of people seem to hang up if our welcome recording comes on instead of a live voice, but we promise to return your message within a day or two if you leave one with your name and number. It would be even better if you included your e mail address as well as the date and city of the class you are considering. If leaving a voice mail message is not your thing, please email us at DPAbooking@digitalphotoacademy.com.
E-MAIL US AT DPAbooking@digitalphotoacademy.com OR CALL 1-877-372-2231 OR click here TO LEARN ABOUT OUR PRIVATE ALL DAY OR HALF DAY CLASS
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