Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Owen Biddle

Owen Biddle

Photographer Owen BiddleOwen Biddle, born and educated outside of Philadelphia, grew up in a household where color, art and design were intrinsically important. Both his mother and grandmother were painters. In this stimulating environment, he spent hours on his imaginative projects – transistor radios, a magic lantern, a puppet theater, etc. Science and new inventions fueled his creativity. After college, Owen volunteered at Hedgerow Theater designing and building sets and working in light and sound.

As a young man he worked in the audio-visual department at Elwyn Institute, taking pictures of students’ lives. It was here that he discovered what would become his lifelong passion for photography. Since 1983 he has been a photography instructor at a number of locations including Mainline Center for the Arts, Mainline School Night and Owen Biddle Photo School.

In his own art Owen often chooses to run counter to photography’s strongest suit: representing things as the are. Instead he follows light and color on their way to abstraction, aiming for transmutation instead of documentation.

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