Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Pro Instructors

Pro Instructors of Seattle

Jeffrey Fong

- Born in Seattle, WA. Has lived in New York City and San Francisco. Currently resides in Seattle.
- Started out as a portraiture photographer, specializing in weddings, families and high school seniors. Services have expanded to include commercial clients, focused mainly on products, architecture and events.
- Latest venture is exploring untapped markets for green screen photography.
- Started teaching photography in 2004.
- Current board member for the Seattle Professional Photographers Association.
- Clients have included Costco, Office Depot, Embassy Suites, The Plateau Club, Sparling, YMCA, Cancer Lifeline, Jubilee Womens Center

Jon Canfield

- Author of 6 books on digital photography and printing
- Over 100 articles published in major photography magazines
- Recognized expert in digital printing and color management
- Advisor to Pantone, HP, and Nik Software
- Popular instructor at workshops around the country

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