The Morning Light
Rick Gerrity, DPA Instructor in NYC and NJ, adding a splash of drama of this man on a horse. The morning light brought it home.
1. Time-Morning Light
2. Place of photo – Costa Rica
3. Name of Photographer and which Digital Photo Academy teacher is in-Rick Gerrity Digital Photo Academy instructor in NYC/NJ
4. f/stop-f 5.6
5. Shutter Speed-1/1600th sec
6.Back story- This image was made while leading a workshop with my business partner DPA Instructor, in Atlanta, Rob Knight
in Costa Rica concentrating on freezing motion.
7. Lens- 35-100mm on a Panasonic Lumix GH4
8. How one might succeed with a version of the image if all they had was a cell phone- With a cell phone one may follow subject while pressing the shutter button creating a blurred background. A cell phone may or may not freeze the motion. Panning will ensure a sharp subject.
9. Photographer’s Strategy- Teaching the importance of lighting, being patient and getting the shot..
Composition regarding the rule of thirds..