Tip – Balance: Symmetrical

Balance: Symmetrical
By Peter Thoeny, one of our Digital Photo Academy instructors in San Francisco.
Ask, what horizontal symmetry may look interesting?
Ask, what vertical symmetry may look interesting?
Example: Ask, what horizontal symmetry may look interesting? Horizontal symmetry with glass reflection at a Chinese restaurant in Fremont, California. Taken with Canon 50mm f0.95 “Dream Lens”
Example: Ask, what vertical symmetry may look interesting? Vertical symmetry at the Sargans Castle in Switzerland; very big dynamic range, requires bracketed exposures
Example: Horizontal symmetry at the Werdenberg Castle in Switzerland
Example : Horizontal symmetry with reflection at Maker’s Faire in San Mateo, California
Example: Horizontal symmetry with reflection at Broadcom campus in San Jose, California
Example: Fisheye lens with heavy lens distortion shows interesting vertical symmetry at the Stanford Hospital
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, © Peter Thoeny, Quality HDR Photography, http://bit.ly/qualityHDR