Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Tip – Framing, Anchor, Foreground, Background

Framing, Anchor, Foreground, Background

by Peter Thoeny, one of our Digital Photo Academy instructors in San Francisco.

Ask, what frame should I choose to add depth to the scene?

Ask, how can foreground and background complement each other?

Look at the following examples:

Frame: Tree branches; main subject: Lunar Eclipse, Hoover Tower, Stanford University, 2018-01-31
Anchor: The slippery trail on right; at Capitola, California
Anchor: tunnel wall on lower left and lower right corner; One-point perspective in a tunnel, Hawk Hill, Marin Headlands, California
Anchor: left, front, right. Depth: foreground, middle, background. At farmer’s kitchen in Swiss Alps
Foreground and background, foreground is dominant. Wildflowers in Swiss Alps in June
Foreground and background are dominant, which creates a conflict. Sun Voyager in Reykjavík, Iceland

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, © Peter Thoeny, Quality HDR Photography,


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