Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Try Panning for Motion

1. Try panning to depict a man who reflects a great dad quality of passion for sports and keeping fit.

To pan in your pictures, stand in one place and move your camera at the same speed as the moving object or person. Track the movement with your camera. You may need to try this a few times to get it right!

David Sanders Dad1

2. In this photo below, there is an added technique of adding an additional light source to the movement. You can try this with your on-camera flash.

David Sanders Dad2

3. Here, the cyclist is separated from the background of racers by using a technique of shallow depth of field. Setting your aperture (f-stop) to a low number such as f2.8 or 5.6 will give you this effect.

David Sanders Dad3

Images © David Sanders, Phoenix DPA Instructor


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