You Don′t Always Have To Think Pro
© Wolfgang Kaehler
A great way to practice sports photography is to go out with your children to a game they like to play and photograph. If you don’t have kids on your own, I bet a neighbor or friend would be happy to take you along to their kids game. I would start with an outdoor game such as soccer. Try to pick a day when the light is good and it is not too dark. Mornings or afternoons are better than high noon games because the light is softer and warmer. During noon, you will get deep shadows and washed out highlights. Except when trying to capture the motion, I would use fast shutter speeds such as 1/1000 or higher to freeze the action. Many times I set my ISO to 2000 or even higher (some cameras with new sensors don’t accrue more digital noise on high settings) to be able to use higher shutter speeds. The advantage to go to a school game is that you can move around more freely! If you like to photograph a pro game, you might be restricted to your seat. You need to get an assignment from a sports magazine to have a good vantage point for a pro game. A kid’s game usually gives you all the advantages of picking the right spot where the action is and the best light. Try a soft backlighting from time to time. It can improve the images.