Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Aaron Bourque

Aaron Bourque

Photography has been part of Aaron John Bourque’s life for as long as he can remember. His father was an avid family photographer who got the bug from a family friend, who was a commercial photographer back in the film days. That friend taught Bourque how to use his first camera. After taking a few photography classes in college Bourque talked his way into using the darkroom at the Kimball-Jenkins School of Art where he had his first solo show, and taught his first class. After this he was hooked. Bourque returned to school to pursue a Masters of Fine Art through a joint program between the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University.

Bourque’ work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in over 50 exhibitions, including the Swiss Architecture Museum in Basil. Bourque has curated and produced numerous exhibitions. He has attended artist residencies at St Mary’s College of Maryland and Mass MoCA.

Since completing his degree Bourque has been working in higher education while shooting commercially. First as the founding manager of the Center for Arts and Graphic Equipment & Studios at Mount Ida College, then as a Lecturer or Art and Design and Graduate Program Coordinator at UMass Dartmouth. Since leaving UMass, Bourque has focused on building his commercial studio and has been working with clients including Boom! Imaging Studio, The Plum Guide, and Planomatic.

Bourque has taught classes, workshops, and lectured at numerous institutions including: Mount Ida College, The School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the College of Visual and Performing Arts @ UMass Boston, Vermont Center for Photography, St Mary’s College of Maryland, and is expected to teach and Lecture at Massasoit Community College. Bourque is a member of the Society for Photographic Education.

Bourque’s Full CV can be found here:


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Comments to “Aaron Bourque”

  1. One of the most readily useful knowledges gained is transferring photos to phone app.

  2. It was great! I’ll practice what I learned on my own for a while but hope to take a composition class sometime when the weather is nicer! Thanks!

  3. Hi,
    There is a group of amateur photographers I belong to who have meetings, invited speakers, and shows.
    Might be a venue to consider to get clients.
    I think Aaron would be ideal to give a lecture and become known by potential clients.


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