Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Christopher Munoz

Christopher Munoz

As an avid young fisherman, Christopher never knew that when he picked up his first camera for the purpose of documenting his catches, he would be bit by the shutter bug for life. That very first camera, the first of the Canon Rebel models, would be met with more shutter clicks than he ever expected. Camera in hand, he joined a fishing club, and it wasn’t long before his shots were used for the club’s quarterly newsletter. Quickly, Christopher’s constant scanning of the water for fish shifted towards scanning the trees for beautiful songbirds to capture. Christopher became more and more passionate about his new-found love. As he blossomed with his love for nature photography, Christopher began to explore photography in the modeling world. Christopher started garnering himself occasional side gigs around his normal bar management work while getting a college degree through a Merritt-based scholarship. He shot a wedding here, a company picnic there, and a few homes for the real estate market, as well as contributions to modeling portfolios and food photography with restaurant owners and chefs. All while continuing to shoot for himself, just for pure joy!

Approximately ten years later, Christopher received what at the time was the most devastating diagnosis of his life: a multiple sclerosis diagnosis. The flare-up that led to the diagnosis included partial blindness, which, at the time, led him into a dark place as he came to terms with his failing vision. But, alas, the story takes a turn for the better! The partial blindness recovered as the MS went back into a state of remission. As Christopher tended to his body and health, he made the decision that as long as he had his sight, he would take every picture he could, every chance he got! He got another job, part-time bartending, and bought his own large-scale printer. Then, he used his drink-slinging position in Baltimore to push sales of his own cityscapes to friendly and interested clientele, with the owners permission, of course. In addition to marketing and displaying out of the bar, Christopher promoted some of his nature work on the walls of local nature centers. He began making steady sales of his work, which granted him more fulfillment than anything in his life prior.

Today, Christopher still shoots every chance he gets, and he has amassed an immense library of compositions to work with that he is quite proud of. And as his life journey goes on, he is now more than excited to help guide anyone who shares his passion in a direction that will lead to visual delight, soul fulfillment, or even monetary gain! You can see his stunning portfolio on Instagram under the handle @shutter_addict. His over 20 years of experience with both cropped sensor and full-frame models, in addition to consistently studying new and different models, gives him a wide range of brands that he can help students master. And as a Baltimorean, DC clients are just around the corner to learn from his talents. Let’s get out there and snap! Happy shooting, everyone!

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