Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera



Join a Digital Photo Academy teacher for Dallas photo workshops, small group or private live sessions. You’ll learn all about your camera controls and how to create powerful images.

Click or scroll down for full schedule of live workshops

Welcome to the Dallas market for the international network of live and online photo classes, all under the banner of Digital Photo Academy.

This section is devoted to our Dallas photo workshops. The DPA Instructors who lead these workshops are professional photographers who have lived in Dallas for at least 10 years, usually longer.

These pro shooters also have teaching experience and they love teaching. (Not all photographers do.) They know the local retailers where you can get the better deals on photo equipment and more importantly, they know where the best photo ops are which allows us to provide you with a rotation of interesting places to shoot, throughout the year, whether indoors or outdoors, winter, spring, summer of fall. Sometimes one time of day to shoot is better than another and our DPA instructors keep us informed.

About Our Dallas Photo Workshop Venues

Often, the DPA Instructors even have private access to various locales in the city where they live. Themes vary from street photography and dynamic architecture, to flowers and landscapes, as well as waterscapes, sunsets, lush scenery and everything in between.

During one month, you might be invited to rendezvous in the luxurious natural light streaming in to a religious venue via spectacular stained glass windows and the following month, it might be a small relatively unknown park with very special landscapes. This is why we offer a special ALUMNI Discount to people who attend more than one workshop.

Nationally, we organize these workshops to provide variety for the participants in each local market, but we could not do it without the expertise and connections provided by the DPA instructors in each of those markets.

Phone the national headquarters of Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231 but know that each of the Digital Photo Academy markets includes a local office. In Dallas, that office is at:

14203 Proton Rd Dallas, TX 75244-3606



And in case you’re interested, click here to check out some FREE SAMPLES of our ONLINE CLASSES:

  1. MECHANICS OF A DSLR or MIRRORLESS CAMERA-A 2 hour online course with in-the-field demos, a lecture and inspirational photographs. (See free samples of this online course to decide if you would like to purchase it.)
  2. RULES OF COMPOSITION-A 2 hour online course of lectures, in-the-field demos and inspirational photo examples, with ten different easy to learn composition strategies that elevate snap shots to compelling photographers. (See free samples of this online course to decide if you would like to purchase it.)


Comments to “Dallas”

  1. Thanks a lot. Had a good time and learned about a setting on my new camera I was unaware of, so just that made the time well spent.

  2. I had a great session with Brad. The moon was waxing gibbous and Bortle here is probably like a 5 or 6 on a good night. I didn’t expect we’d do much shooting unless we took a long road trip out and felt our time would be better spent focusing on mechanics, techniques and education. I was hoping for a more technical session with a Q/A and Brad delivered just that and answered all my rapid-fire newbie questions. He offered a lot of great advice, tips and resources. I was able to get a snap of the moon from the Leica with some crater detail that I thought turned out pretty decent. We’ll be sure to check out the deck you attached.

    Thank you all so very much!

  3. The DPA team has to coordinate the DPA workshops across the whole country; which I imagine entails a lot of names. Your national office team members and the folks who teach where they live do a wonderful job. That’s why I keep coming back!

  4. Michael was great. It’s not easy to teach someone a different method using a camera and other equipment they’re not familiar with. I’m very glad to have met him!

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Henry this past Saturday!

    My eyes were opened to objects and scenes that likely would have been missed hadn’t Henry pointed them out to me. I’ve been to the Dallas Museum several times before but it was like experiencing it from an entirely different POV, one that was focused on stillness, intention and reflection on the past.

    Henry was also a great model and storyteller. Attached are some of the photos taken during the class. Thanks for sending the PPTs, hope to have the chance to learn from Henry and the academy again.

  6. 😀 Henry and I hit it off quite well and enjoyed the day. I am returning to creative pursuits after many years working and not doing much of anything with art. Henry had some great advice for me. I learned a lot and am most assuredly inspired to keep going with my photography.

    I have also started the Digital Photo Academy online instruction resources and am getting a lot out of it. What strikes me in both my experience with Henry and with the online instruction is an emphasis on creative control and the idea that as the photographer, you determine what narrative you want to tell and how to use the camera and its settings to tell it. Yes, there are basic techniques I need to master, but I can also use settings and situations to tell the story, not just to create a perfectly exposed image. This is both inspiring and liberating, and also very different from the instruction I have done online before. The instructor I’m watching currently, DPA/David Wells, explains things very clearly and also provides multiple examples throughout the lessons that illustrate different ways to create the image. I’m invited into his decision-making process in some of the tips at the end of the lessons, and it’s very helpful. So, thank you!

    I intend to join the Facebook community, and thank you so much for sharing the photography primers with the “thank you email.” I look forward to studying those images!

  7. We had a wonderful afternoon at the zoo! Henry provided me with applicable advice on both settings and composition as well as artistic considerations. The hands-on practice with Henry’s guidance was extremely helpful. I’m exhausted tonight in a good way. 🙂 I’ll pull together the photos tomorrow to share. I would like to do some of the online instruction, too. I will look through the sample lessons tomorrow.

  8. Thanks for arranging this workshop. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Big thanks for Mr. Mike, he was great and helped me a lot in taking good photos. Looking forward to such events in the future.

  9. The class was very good on Saturday. William helped me and the folks in attendance learn about positioning photos, the thirds rules, leading lines, etc. he did a very effective job as I am somewhat experienced and he was able to convey his message clearly to newer folks and those of us with DSLR cameras.

  10. Nina was a wonderful teacher! She brought very useful printout reference sheets, taught me about my camera, taught me about Lightroom (which is invaluable and I would have never used it!), and advised me on lighting! I learned a lot in three hours! Thank you so much!

  11. Thank you for this class. Marquis really enjoyed Mr. William and said that he was really funny. Marquis said he learned a lot about his camera and how to take better pictures. Thank you again.

  12. This class was very informative and our instructor William was amazing. I purchased a camera in December and wanted an affordable, in person class to learn to take better pictures and this class was just that. I will definitely sign up for another class.

  13. “Hi!!! It was a fun day ,thank you”


  14. My wife and I took the Mastering Your Camera Controls and the Composition in the Field (Dallas Farmer’s Market) from William Morton

    What a great and informative time!

    We will be taking future composition classes in the future

    Thank you for helping us get better at photography and photo composition!
    – Bill and Kendall

  15. “We had a good day at the park in Dallas.
    William Morton was informative, patient, and courteous.
    Attached are a few of my photos from the day.”


  16. “William,
    Thank you so much for an informative afternoon. Having the instant feedback to shots was very helpful. Gave me some food for thought and areas to exercise and experiment on. Also really enjoyed flipping thru the album you posted from yesterday. Seeing the very same things but thru your eyes and lens was interesting and provided several ah-ha moments. Particularly not to be afraid of shooting what otherwise seems mundane. With the right angle and light, magic happens. I need to review my pics further and cull out one or two to post. I have so much to learn!”


  17. Hi,

    I’m interested in learning photography, but have no idea which digital camera to buy. Can you recommend a beginner camera that takes close ups and distant shots, but that isn’t too complicated? If I have to stop and read a manual often, I’ll miss all the action! My budget is under $300, if possible.

    I want to take your farmers market class, and probably others.

    Thank you foe your help, if you can.

    Lee (I’m a chick) Ostermann

  18. “The class with Henry was great. He is extremely patient and was able to show me how to use my camera and take better pictures. I can’t wait to put his lessons into practice. ”

    -Cesar Reyna

  19. “I greatly enjoyed this class. This is actually the third class I’ve taken with Mr. Biber and I’ve learned something new every time. I’d recommend the class to anyone. I’ve attached my favorite image from Saturday. Mr. Biber is very interesting and I look forward to my next class with him.”

    -Bridget Wiss

  20. “First off, please let me apologize for not responding sooner for not thanking your for taking time out of your schedule to assist me. I do look forward to signing up for classes with Henry. I would also like to be able to get more comfortable with taking pictures in the manual settings. ”

    -Earnisteen Austin

  21. “Karen and Henry provided an informative and even personalized instruction to our large class. They took the time to review, critique and guide us as individuals. As aspiring photographers, whether seeking a new profession or just enjoyment, they gave knowledge to better our craft with their amazing skills.”

    -Kim Obryon

  22. “Karen was fantastic – relaxed, confident and passionate about photography and sharing her knowledge. She was willing to answer any questions we had and kept the group on track. Her introduction material and discussion were also well prepared. Karen was on-hand and eager to review our photos as we took them and this helped reinforce her teachings over the duration of the class.

    The class was pitched just at the right level for me; I wanted something that moved past the intro/101 class and this helped me greatly. Very glad to see this as a DSLR class for people who have already covered the basics”

    – Philip Kernohan

  23. “I enjoyed this morning, and will think about the principles we learned when I frame my shots in the future. I actually love a lot of the pictures I took this morning!”

    – Michelle Sigle

  24. “I wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge with us in class Saturday. It was my first class of any kind on photography or Photoshop. I really enjoyed it. I can’t wait to try out the b&w conversion method you showed me.”

    – David Leaser


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