Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera



Join a Digital Photo Academy teacher for Houston photo workshops, small group or private live sessions. You’ll learn all about your camera controls and how to create powerful images.

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Edith Moore
Edith Moore Houston
Edith Moore Houston
Edith Moore Houston
Edith Moore Houston
Edith Moore Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
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houston zoo 4
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Edith Moore turtle Houston
Edith Moore Houston
Edith Moore Houston
Edith Moore Houston
Edith Moore Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Harvey Time-Lapse Discovery Green Houston
Harvey Time-Lapse
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
Discovery Green Houston
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Welcome to the Houston market for the international network of live and online photo classes, all under the banner of Digital Photo Academy.

This section is devoted to our Houston photo workshops. The DPA Instructors who lead these workshops are professional photographers who have lived in Houston for at least 10 years, usually longer.

These pro shooters also have teaching experience and they love teaching. (Not all photographers do.) They know the local retailers where you can get the better deals on photo equipment and more importantly, they know where the best photo ops are which allows us to provide you with a rotation of interesting places to shoot, throughout the year, whether indoors or outdoors, winter, spring, summer of fall. Sometimes one time of day to shoot is better than another and our DPA instructors keep us informed.

About Our Houston Photo Workshop Venues

Often, the DPA Instructors even have private access to various locales in the city where they live. Themes vary from street photography and dynamic architecture, to flowers and landscapes, as well as waterscapes, sunsets, lush scenery and everything in between.

During one month, you might be invited to rendezvous in the luxurious natural light streaming in to a religious venue via spectacular stained glass windows and the following month, it might be a small relatively unknown park with very special landscapes. This is why we offer a special ALUMNI Discount to people who attend more than one workshop.

Nationally, we organize these workshops to provide variety for the participants in each local market, but we could not do it without the expertise and connections provided by the DPA instructors in each of those markets.

Phone the national headquarters of Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231 but know that each of the Digital Photo Academy markets includes a local office. In Houston, that office is at:

101 W Drew St Houston, TX 77006-2001

E-MAIL US AT [email protected] OR CALL 1-877-372-2231 OR click here TO LEARN ABOUT OUR PRIVATE ALL DAY OR HALF DAY CLASS


And in case you’re interested, click here to check out some FREE SAMPLES of our ONLINE CLASSES.


Comments to “Houston”

  1. Everything turned out well. Jim was awesome. This week I will assist Juston on uploading the photos. Thank you very much.

  2. The DPA team has to coordinate the DPA workshops across the whole country; which I imagine entails a lot of names. Your national office team members and the folks who teach where they live do a wonderful job. That’s why I keep coming back!

  3. Just want to stay connected. I am in France and it’s been a very busy return since April. I will be here until end of June before returning to Houston. While in Houston, I would like to register for Jim’s “composition in the field” session on July 13th. I think I could really benefit from time with him.

  4. We very much enjoyed enjoyed class and got a lot out of it. Thanks for everything.

  5. The trip went well except for the lost luggage which impaired the use of the Z8 for the first few days. We witnessed the northern lights on the first and last nights of the trip. As I stated, lost luggage impaired the ability to take photos on the first night but the last night went quite well.

    I have attached a medium resolution photo from this outing. I believe this is a great photo for someone who only a month ago could not figure out how to determine the correct settings for optimal exposure, etc. The preparation was instrumental in making this photo and many others.

    So, I also need help with post-production processing. How would I go about scheduling and of course paying for this?

    George “Trey” Lee

  6. Jim was absolutely awesome to work with! I learned a ton and plan to schedule more classes when I return from the Dominican Republic.

  7. The workshop was great! I learned a lot, a lot of my questions got answered , I didn’t take so many photos that day. I was more interested in watching and learning, Jim is a great guy, full of experience and knowledge, learn a lot, looking forward to doing other workshops with him.

    I have a website, and I’m setting my portfolio on . You can definitely find photos there.

    thank you very much

  8. It was great! I love Herman Park so I was excited to meet there since it reminds me of Central Park on a much smaller scale. Jim, was marvelous, in fact I would have to say he’s in the top three teachers of all classes I’ve taken outside of college. His love of photography shines through and it definitely grabs hold of you. If you liked your camera before class after class you find yourself loving it. He’s just that good.

    I actually went out the same day and purchased a tripod and a camera hood because I saw what a shaky hand can do to a picture. Will I take another class – most definitely, if one were offered.

  9. My special Thanks to Coursehourse. And my Gratitude yo Mr Jim, you are really good and kind. Am happy for your impact and support. Really enjoy myself and also had a splendid experience

  10. Jim Caldwell was very knowledgeable and willing to share his expert experience. He provided many basics for we beginners, but also practical tips that even experienced photographers would find useful. Great job and and I thoroughly enjoyed the class.

  11. I could not have asked for a better teacher than Nina. She was warm, knowledgeable, and passionate about teaching photography. She perfectly balanced the informative and interactive aspects of the lesson. I would absolutely recommend her to other students. Nina gave me a private class in Nashville.

    Thank you very much,


  12. Jim was a patient and thorough instructor; he took us through the camera basics, showed examples, and talked through the options of how we could get the best images. Then, he walked us through 4 different field locations and helped us get photograph them. I found the course to be very useful, informative and enjoyable. Thanks!

  13. “It was a fun class and I learned a lot!”


  14. I took the composition class with Jim Caldwell and LOVED it. Jim is so knowledgeable and so willing to share his expertise with us. He also gave a an incredible hand-out, Composition in the Field which has been very useful to me. I plan on taking another class with him soon.

  15. Richard,

    “I think Jim was being very kind in complementing my work. And, since I know the quality of the photos you usually see, my first response to your invite was “no way.” But, I considered that my goal is improvement and, certainly, a large part of that is sharing and accepting critiques, so I changed my mind. I did get a couple of pleasant shots during the class, but haven’t figured out how to downsize them enough to send. Therefore, I am sharing a couple of photos I took the day before in preparation for the class.The gecko was sunning in my back yard and, surprisingly, let me stay close enough to get several shots. The leaf was also close to my house, and the photos of Harley (cat) were taken indoors as requested by Jim.
    I want to repeat what I told Jim. The class was excellent. I picked up so many practical tips and knowledge that you can’t get from online classes. Plus, Jim is so personable and a natural teacher. I am looking forward to repeating the class.

    Thank you for your time.”


  16. “Though we were dealing with much rain, we still got in a good shoot. Just to let you know, Scott Teven did a great job with what he had to work with. Since the rain presented some problems he did allow us to ask a few technical questions that had nothing to do with composition (but did of course have a geat impact on how a picture would appear) and his explanations to our questions were very informative as well as easy to understand. Thanks for offering a good class, even in spite of the weather trying to ruin it!”

    – Penny Mayes-Gregg

  17. “Again, thanks for the instruction yesterday. I learned a few things. Your knowledge would be so beneficial to many of us that need the training. You can see by my pixs, I need a lot of color management help.

    Thanks again, hope you consider teaching more in-depth Photoshop workshops. Advertising would be the hard part, but I’ve got several friends in Houston that wouldn’t mine taking a class with someone knowledgeable.”

    – Sylvia Garcia-Smith

  18. “Michael, I had a great time today in your class for which I thank you very much. I take photos of scenery and friends and relatives for fun. As I mentioned to you today, I want to learn a few things about photography in order to be able to take good pictures. Specifically, I want to learn the flaws in some of the photos I have taken and how to remove them. I also want to learn the basic techniques of photography in some detail. At this time I am not planning to learn editing of photographs.

    Please let me know your availability for a private lesson.”

    – Tushar Ghosh

  19. “Hi Michael, I enjoyed the training session today…..especially the last part. I am so impressed with your reputation and expertise. Talk about way above our heads! BTW, how did you get to be on Great Day Houston? If you ever go back on the show, let me know—-I’ll be there.

    I am thrilled with the Panasonic camera we got. I hope I can do it justice and take advantage of all the bells and whistles on it. I really learned some surprising things about it today. Would you ever do a seminar just on that type of camera?”

    – Linda Voges

  20. “I just wanted to thank you again for taking time to meet with me on Saturday. I definitely feel more prepared for the trip. Thanks again!!”

    – Monika Lee

  21. “I took the beginner photo class December 2nd with Michael Hart. I thoroughly enjoyed the class and it opened my eyes to how much I do need to learn. Michael was a very patient with me through the entire class. He went slow and we had time after class to ask questions. His talent with photography really shinned through him. I was not ready for the class to end. I felt he addressed everyone’s questions and took a lot of time and pride in what he was teaching. I would definitely have Michael teach me again.”

    – Pamela Elam

  22. “Just wanted to say thanks for the lesson today. You hit on several things I was struggling with (because I don’t read manuals…) and I think I’ll be ready to progress from here.

    I was the guy who left you the number and email and offered to help on Tuesday.

    I was wondering if you do any other lessons that are a little more in-depth and involve multiple nights. I’d explain my motives and potential plans, but don’t want to bore you too much… lol”

    – Robert Calloway

  23. “I took your DPA class last year. At the time, I had only a Nikon CP P4. Since then I acquired my first DSLR and am continuing to work hard at learning the art and science of photography. Thanks for the help you gave me through DPA.”

    – Debbie Chapman

  24. “I’d like to start calling you “Regis” if that’s o.k. You were great. I’m sure that was great press for your biz. You probably got some non-photo biz solicitations, too. When you get offered your own show, I’d like to be your Paul Shaffer/Max Weinberg. I’ll go to the Ed McMahon school of fake laughing. “Yesssssss!!!!”

  25. “You were great! You looked and sounded very comfortable under the lights.”

    – Jerry

  26. “I just watched the show. Very impressive! You did a great job. I bought a Panasonic DMC-FX01 camera (with Leica lens) about six months ago because I did not always want to lug my D200 around. I love the Panasonic! Sometimes it takes better shots than my D200 (although that’s probably user error since I have to make more decisions with the D200). And yes, I have been reading my manual (good advice.) Have a great weekend.”

    – Michael

  27. “I just watched “Great Day Houston” (I recorded it to watch later today): Great presentation, you were such a natural in front of the camera – as if you’ve been doing this for years! Really, thanks for the tip about holding the button down halfway! When I first started using digital he would look at the pictures and say,”That’s NOT the picture that I took, WHAT’s going ON?!!” Since I have that original camera and have never tried to use it, maybe now I will give it a try. Again, you did quite an impressive presentation. Thanks for letting me know about it in advance.”

    – Brie

  28. “You looked good today on Channel 11. Taped it and just finished watching; you did real good.”

    – Reagan

  29. “Both classes were absolutely amazing and made me want to know more. It prompted me to go shoot the following day instead of other plans I had made.

    I was biting at the bit to know more and so were others in the class. In the Composition class, two people were not signed up for the intermediate class directly after; however, one decided to stay. That is huge for the four hour commitment after sitting for two hours.

    He hit the nail on the head, answered our questions as they came up, let us know more was to come on some subjects after giving us an adequate answer, let us know more was to come in the Intermediate class on some subjects we asked about, and made us want to know more!

    He told us that camera manufacturers are coming out with new updates all the time and trying to keep up with each other. He told one student with a 4-5 year old SLR that she may want to upgrade because of noise reduction in the newer models.

    I’m ordering Photoshop and once I have it on my laptop, I’m going to sign up for classes on it. At this time, I don’t think getting a fourth camera in just over 2 years to upgrade to an SLR is in the budget.

    Panasonic Lumix has hit the nail on the head with my DMC FZ28K for someone who does not want to change lenses and is on a budget but wants the best they can get. In addition, I would like to find an adapter and try out the additional two lenses that fit this camera before advancing to an SLR. It seems the adapters are hard to come by. Any suggestions?

    Thank you for all your help and concerns.”

    -Carol Montalbano


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