Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

October 2024 DPA Newsletter

October 2024 DPA Newsletter:

Master Light & Motion with DPA Team Photo Tips

Nailing the Shot: Capturing a Camel in Motion

October FinerWorks Winners!

Photo by Brendon Bowen, DPA’s New Social Media Correspondent.

As the vibrant hues of October settle in, it’s the perfect time to embrace the season with your camera in hand. The shifting light and dynamic motion of autumn—whether in falling leaves or bustling city streets—create an ever-changing backdrop for your photos. Whether you’re capturing the crisp mornings or the golden afternoons, October offers endless opportunities to explore how light and motion can enhance your perspective and bring the beauty of fall to life in your images.

Digital Photo Academy is pleased to bring you the latest updates and photography inspiration in our recently relaunched monthly newsletter. This is all made possible by our valued sponsor, Finerworks.

Master Light & Motion with DPA Team Photo Tips

Exploring Mare Island with the DPA Team and Welcoming New Social Media Correspondent Brendon Bowen

By Digital Photo Academy Instructor in San FranciscoJerry Downs

Photo of Jerry Downs with Brendon Bowen’s lightsaber, taken by Peter Thoeny.

In the article below, Digital Photo Academy San Francisco instructor Jerry Downs shares the heartwarming experience of welcoming Brendon Bowen to the DPA team as our new Social Media Correspondent.

Together with fellow instructor Peter Thoeny, the trio embarked on a photography outing to Mare Island, capturing the island’s unique blend of light, shadow, and artistry.

Read on to discover Jerry’s account of their adventure, from playful light-saber shots to breathtaking silhouettes at sunset:

This last weekend, fellow Digital Photo Academy teacher Peter Thoeny and I welcomed the newest member of the DPA team, Brendon Bowen, who joins us as the new Social Media Correspondent.

We all met on Mare Island, a decommissioned naval base that made ships and submarines during World War II.

It’s great to go out photographing with other photographers. Everyone is in the same physical place, but everyone sees it differently. Here are a few of my own.

One of our first stops was the former coal sheds that have been converted into a restaurant and small businesses, like this bodybuilding gym that I shot through a closed window.

The sheds face a riverfront that is also the home of some large-scale amazing artwork. I had wanted to get there in time for the sculptures to be in the light. That didn’t happen. That didn’t matter. It’s always the perfect light for something, like this monumental head by artist Ryan Matheern. There was just enough light left to illuminate the face, and the silhouette of the rest of the sculpture looked great against the blue sky and waterfront.

You don’t need much light. In a darkened, empty coal shed, a shaft of light backlit Peter’s head as he walked by. I called him back to get a portrait. If you are going to take another photographer’s portrait, you better make it artsy as hell just to honor them and also to impress the hell out of them.

Since I already had the perfect setup, I shot Brendon too.

It’s all about the light. After a quick bite to eat, we headed back to do some night photography. Brendon brought a real live lightsaber. It was lucky Brendon had his lightsaber with him—it made for an amazing photo accessory. He is behind the camera, instructing Peter to spin it all around his head during a six-second exposure.

Here’s another one of Peter pretending to slice through the building. He is just pointing at a light on the building that became extremely overexposed by the long exposure.

For the grand finale, we shot silhouettes in the very last licks of light. By using a high ISO (4,000), there was enough light, and we could shoot fast enough to stop the motion if we clicked the shutter at the height of the jump.

Here’s Peter.


And yours truly.

I’m not wearing a hoodie. That’s the elbow of my raised arm. And that is not my big mouth. That’s two of my fingers that extended past my head. I love surprises. I am pretty sure that is why Peter, Brendon, and all of us take pictures.

– Digital Photo Academy in San FranciscoJerry Downs

More Shots by Brendon and Peter

Below are some additional shots captured by Brendon and Peter during the Mare Island meetup!

Photos by Peter Thoeny:

Photos by Brendon Bowen:

Nailing the Shot: Capturing a Camel in Motion in Jordan

DPA Instructor Mike Dikovitsky’s Photo Recognized by National Geographic and Disney

This month, we’re excited to celebrate one of our Digital Photo Academy Dallas instructors, Michael Dikovitsky!

He recently received some exciting news: both National Geographic and Disney reached out to request permission to use this photo he took in Jordan in 2022.

Here’s what Mike shared about the image:

“I was in a jeep with no roof, riding in the rear, bouncing around when I noticed the camel walking by itself. When I captured it, the sun was in my eyes, and I didn’t think it would come out. The jeep did not stop for me to take the shot. I was so thankful for the outcome.”

His experience serves as a great reminder that sometimes your best shots happen in unexpected moments.

Congrats, Mike!

Russ Croop Simplicity Video

Digital Photo Academy Denver Instructor Russ Croop—a Colorado native with a lifelong passion for photography—shares his expertise by making creative videos.

With photo experience ranging from teaching to capturing stunning images across the US and Europe, Russ brings a wealth of experience to every shot.

In this video, Russ showcases beautiful examples of simplicity in photography, demonstrating how less can truly be more.

Watch and enjoy!

October Finerworks Award Winners

Every month, our judges select 2 of our social media members to receive an HD Metal print of one of their photos, printed by our sponsor Finerworks.

We choose one winner from each of our Facebook groups:

Celebrating Senior Shutterbugs” and “Digital Photo Academy Community

Posted on our “Digital Photo Academy Community” Facebook group by Kate Louden:
Posted on our “Celebrating Senior Shutterbugs” Facebook group by Lisa Bricker:

Live Photography Classes in 24 Cities

Access the live cities page on our website to explore upcoming photo workshops in your area. Elevate your photography skills with help from our experienced instructors in interactive sessions!

Our Social Media

Connect, share, and spread cheer! Join our Facebook groups to participate in our monthly prize contests in collaboration with Finerworks.

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Celebrating Senior Shutterbugs” and “Digital Photo Academy Community

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